CICEM College Councils

Provisional College Council

A provisional College Council for a particular college requires only a $1K pledge to fulfill requested gift subscriptions from students at the college and a willingness to fulfill those requests. It can be from a single person or more. If a single person pledges the $1K that person can then recruit additional people for form a CICEM College Council. These new members may focus on gift subscriptions or other activities. It is expected that most Council members will be alumni of that college, but parents and other friends of that college are also welcome to participate. The more the merrier (and more that can be accomplished).

CICEM College Council
A full-scale CICEM College Council is made up of at least five individuals, each of whom has pledged $200 annually to support the purchase of gift subscription for students at that college (and a willingness to fulfill those subscriptions when requested) with one person volunteering to be the Council Coordinator.

CICEM College Council Coordinator
The College Council Coordinator coordinates with Council members, and students from the college. For example, a College Council may have a different member handle all requests for one of the six publications, or simply one a rotational basis as requests come in. College students may suggestions additional projects that need support. The Coordinator circulates such requests to see if someone(s) want to contribute and how much. Any additional funds are entirely voluntary. Again, none of these funds are sent to CICEM, but directly to the activity.

Optional Additional College Council Activities
With the first $1K is pledged for gift subscriptions, a College Council may add and fund other activities (if they so choose). This can include: adding other publications from a recommended list (see Other Publications page); adding books (such as ISI Study Guides), scholarships (such as attending a Leadership Institute seminar), or to help fund speakers or a student campus publication. Working together with student(s), a faculty member, or an organization is expected.

An Option for Those Who Want to Contribute But NOT be further involved.
The above process may be too involving for some who want to start a Council at one or more colleges. In that case, a $1K contribution directly to CICEM (a 501c3 organization) can be made, without any further involvement. CICEM will then fulfill gift subscription requests and recruits members to form a College Council.