Available Publications

Modern Age


“Founded in 1957 by the great writer and thinker Russell Kirk, Modern Age is the forum for stimulating debate and discussion of the most important ideas of concern to conservatives of all stripes.”





“Humanitas was started thirty-five years ago in recognition that intellectual trends discernible at the time were stifling exploration of central questions of human existence. The journal was founded because of the acute need to revitalize the study of man, society, culture, and politics.”



First Things


The mission of First Things to articulate a governing consensus that supports a religiously pluralistic society, a democratic and constitutionally ordered form of government, a vision of freedom that encourages a culture of personal and communal responsibility, and loyalty to the Western tradition that provides a basis for responsible global citizenship.



The Claremont Review


“To return to limited government, conservatives must return to the principles of the American Founding. The Claremont Institute provides the missing argument in the battle to win public sentiment by teaching and promoting the philosophical reasoning that is the foundation of limited government and the statesmanship required to bring that reasoning into practice.”



The American Conservative


“The American Conservative, or TAC for short, was and is different. We are Main Street conservatives; we cherish local community, the liberties secured by the Founders, the civilizational foundations of faith and family, and—we are not ashamed to use the word—peace.”



Chronicles of Culture


“Since 1977, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture has been at the forefront of examining the prevailing currents of both politics and a civil society in Western Civilization with a focus on defending the traditions and history of America and the West.”
